Three Reasons Why You Should Visit the Dentist Regularly

Three Reasons Why You Should Visit the Dentist Regularly

Three Reasons Why You Should Visit the Dentist Regularly
Three Reasons Why You Should Visit the Dentist Regularly

People can be irrational when it comes to the dentist. They might regularly visit their dermatologist, gynecologist, or proctologist, but postpone a visit to their tooth doctor. Just like all of the other medical fields mentioned, it is important to get regular checkups for your teeth. Here are three reasons why.

It Can Prevent Other Diseases
The human body is an intricate machine. A problem in one area can cause issues in another. Your mouth and teeth are no different. Studies have shown that gum disease can cause a number of other health problems for people. Gum disease can be caused by lack of proper care for teeth, through genetics, or a combination of the two. Those who suffer from it are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease. Gum disease can also affect a body's ability to regulate its blood sugar. Other studies have linked certain types of plaque with Alzheimer's. In short, a visit to the dentist can help prevent many other serious health problems.

It Can Save You Money
An average exam and tooth cleaning costs between $50-135. Those who carry insurance will find they likely qualify for much cheaper, or even free, cleanings. Routine exams and cleanings can catch minor issues early, such as cavities, damaged roots, a buildup of plaque, or gum disease. Many of the procedures required to deal with the more serious maladies are quite a bit more expensive than the cost of a cleaning. An implant costs $4,250 on average to replace a tooth. Root canals cost over $1,100. Filling a single cavity can be as much as $200. The good news is that routine visits to your dentist can prevent most if not all of these issues. Minor cavities can be stopped from expanding after a thorough cleaning. The flossing and plaque removal that is performed during the cleaning helps stave off gum disease as well.

It Can Keep Your Smile Looking Great
Before modern oral surgeons, orthodontists, and endodontists, people had a lot of problems with their teeth. As discussed above, poor oral care can be expensive and dangerous. It can also look bad. With regular visits to the dentist, people can maintain healthy looking teeth and smiles. Studies have shown a clear link between a healthy smile and a person's level of confidence. A bright smile means a great first impression as well.

In conclusion, it is important to make regular visits to the dentist. This keeps your smile bright and healthy, along with your confidence. A twice-yearly examination and cleaning can also help you detect problems that can lead to other expensive and dangerous health issues.
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